家有一台 格力云恬空调, 可以接入格力+, 但是无法接入HA。
1. 官方集成, gree climate, 提示“此网络未发现相关设备”
2.https://github.com/RobHofmann/HomeAssistant-GreeClimateComponent 方案
按照说明流程新建climate.yaml 之后, 重启ha,发现有error提示 :
“ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.climate] The gree platform for the climate integration does not support platform setup. Please remove it from your config.”
这个插件怎么添加, 我尝试了好几次, 都失败了。
我下载了压缩包,解压后把HomeAssistant-GreeClimateComponent-master放到/config/custom_components/ 目录下,在configuration.yaml文件里面添加你提到的配置, 然后重启, 然后重启就提示错误:
ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.climate] The gree platform for the climate integration does not support platform setup. Please remove it from your config.