发表于 2022-11-20 20:37:54
打个不恰当的比喻,supervisor就是Office,可以理解为ha软件集合。homeassistant-core就是word, node-red就是excel, esphome就是outlook。
上面有人说supervisor是为了方便新手使用的,其实恰恰相反,新手因为不能理解这些复杂的关系和原理,反而难以入门,homeassistant官方文档也说明了这一点,如果是新手推荐使用HA OS 或者 HA Container。
:warning: If you do not understand what this means, or that making almost any changes to the underlying OS may render your install Unsupported/Unhealthy, this installation method is not for you and you should install HA OS. If you do not require the supervisor, then installing HA Container 844 may be a better option and will allow you full control over the OS to install additional software and Docker containers.
HA OS,supervisor,HA Container三者如何选择呢?
如果你的主机只做家庭助理这一件事,那推荐安装HA OS,省心。
如果是大杂烩,什么nas,网络打印机,私人云,软路由。。。都要上,那还是老老实实用HA Docker containers吧。