本帖最后由 fineemb 于 2020-2-6 19:18 编辑

This is a custom component for home assistant to integrate the Smartmi smart heater.

Please follow the instructions on Retrieving the Access Token to get the API token to use in the configuration.yaml file.
Credits: Thanks to Rytilahti for all the work.
zhimi.heater.za1 目前只测试过这个型号, 因为其他型号我没有
- Sensors
- hvac_modes: heat,off
- min_temp
- max_temp
- target_temp_step
- current_temperature
- temperature
- curr_tempe
- power
- humidity
- target_temperature
- Chart
- Services
- set_hvac_mode
- set_temperature
# configuration.yaml
- platform: miheater
token: a9bd32552dc9bd4e156954c20ddbcb38
name: 取暖器
Configuration variables:
- host (Required): The IP of your cooker.
- token (Required): The API token of your cooker.
- name (Optional): The name of your cooker.
Service climate.set_hvac_mode
Specify the heater mode.
Service data attribute |
Optional |
Description |
entity_id |
yes |
Only act on a specific heater. |
hvac_mode |
yes |
Specify the heater mode (heat/off). |
Service climate.set_temperature
Set the temperature of heater.
Service data attribute |
Optional |
Description |
entity_id |
yes |
Only act on a specific heater. |
temperature |
yes |
Set the temperature of heater. |