/*-------------DEFINE YOUR NETWORK PARAMETERS BELOW----------------*/
//MQTT Parameters definition
//#define mqtt_server_name "www.mqtt_broker.com" // instead of defining the server by its IP you can define it by its name, uncomment this line and set the correct MQTT server host name
#define mqtt_server "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" // 這裡填寫 MQTT Broker 主機 IP
#define mqtt_user "homeassistant" // 這裡填 MQTT 連線帳號, 若是 HASS 內建的話就使用 homeassistant
#define mqtt_password "12345678" // 這裡填 MQTT 連線密碼
#define mqtt_port 1883
#define Gateway_Name "OpenMQTTGateway" // 名字自取
#define version_Topic "home/" Gateway_Name "/version"
#define will_Topic "home/" Gateway_Name "/LWT"
#define will_QoS 2 // 原來的值是 0 我改成了 2
#define will_Retain true
#define will_Message "Offline"
#define Gateway_AnnouncementMsg "Online"
//#define MDNS_SD //comment if you don't want to use mdns for discovering automatically your ip server, please note that MDNS with ESP32 can cause the BLE to not work
/*-------------DEFINE YOUR NETWORK PARAMETERS BELOW----------------*/
// Update these with values suitable for your network.
#if defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32) // for nodemcu, weemos and esp8266
#define wifi_ssid "這裡是無線網路SSID的名字"
#define wifi_password "無線網路密碼"
#else // for arduino + W5100
const byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xED, 0xBA, 0xFE, 0x54, 0x95 }; //W5100 ethernet shield mac adress