import logging
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def errorPayload(errorCode):
"""Generate error result"""
messages = {
'INVALIDATE_CONTROL_ORDER': 'invalidate control order',
'SERVICE_ERROR': 'service error',
'DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORT_FUNCTION': 'device not support',
'INVALIDATE_PARAMS': 'invalidate params',
'DEVICE_IS_NOT_EXIST': 'device is not exist',
'IOT_DEVICE_OFFLINE': 'device is offline',
'ACCESS_TOKEN_INVALIDATE': ' access_token is invalidate'
return {'errorCode': errorCode, 'message': messages[errorCode]}
def makeResponse(payload, header={}, properties=None):
if isinstance(payload, str):
payload = errorPayload(payload)
error = 'errorCode' in payload or 'name' not in header
header['name'] = ('Error' if error else header['name']) + 'Response'
response = {'header': header, 'payload': payload}
if properties:
response['properties'] = properties
header['payLoadVersion'] = "1"
return response
async def handleRequest(hass, request):
"""Handle request"""
header = request['header']
payload = request['payload']
_LOGGER.debug("Handle Request: %s", request)
properties = None
name = header['name']
namespace = header['namespace']
if namespace == 'AliGenie.Iot.Device.Discovery':
_payload = await discoveryDevice(hass)
elif namespace == 'AliGenie.Iot.Device.Control':
_payload = await controlDevice(hass, header, payload)
elif namespace == 'AliGenie.Iot.Device.Query':
properties = queryDevice(hass, payload)
_payload = errorPayload('IOT_DEVICE_OFFLINE') if properties is None else {}
_payload = errorPayload('SERVICE_ERROR')
if 'deviceId' in payload:
_payload['deviceId'] = payload['deviceId']
return makeResponse(_payload, header, properties)
async def discoveryDevice(hass):
session = hass.helpers.aiohttp_client.async_get_clientsession()
async with session.get('') as r:
places = (await r.json())['data']
async with session.get('') as r:
aliases = (await r.json())['data']
aliases.append({'key': '电视', 'value': ['电视机']})
states = hass.states.async_all()
groups_ttributes = groupsAttributes(states)
devices = []
for state in states:
attributes = state.attributes
if attributes.get('hidden') or attributes.get('genie_hidden'):
if not attributes.get('tmall_genie'):
friendly_name = attributes.get('friendly_name')
if not friendly_name:
entity_id = state.entity_id
deviceType = guessDeviceType(entity_id, attributes)
if not deviceType:
deviceName = guessDeviceName(friendly_name, attributes, places)
if not checkAliasName(deviceName, entity_id, aliases):
zone = guessZone(entity_id, attributes, groups_ttributes, places)
if not zone:
prop, action = guessPropertyAndAction(entity_id, attributes, state.state)
if prop is None:
# Merge all sensors into one for a zone
if deviceType == 'sensor':
for sensor in devices:
if sensor['deviceType'] == 'sensor' and zone == sensor['zone']:
deviceType = None
if not action in sensor['actions']:
sensor['model'] += ' ' + friendly_name
# SHIT, length limition in deviceId: sensor['deviceId'] += '_' + entity_id
else:'SKIP: ' + entity_id)
if deviceType is None:
deviceName = '传感器'
entity_id = zone
'deviceId': entity_id,
'deviceName': deviceName,
'deviceType': deviceType,
'zone': zone,
'model': friendly_name,
'brand': 'HomeAssistant',
'icon': '',
'properties': [prop],
'actions': ['TurnOn', 'TurnOff', 'Query', action] if action == 'QueryPowerState' else ['Query', action],
# 'extensions':{'extension1':'','extension2':''}
#_LOGGER.error(str(len(devices)) + '. ' + deviceType + ':' + zone + '/' + deviceName + ((' <= ' + friendly_name) if friendly_name != deviceName else ''))
# for sensor in devices:
# if sensor['deviceType'] == 'sensor':
#, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False))
return {'devices': devices}
async def controlDevice(hass, header, payload):
entity_ids = payload['deviceIds']
if header['payLoadVersion'] == 2:
powerstate = payload['params']['powerstate']
header['name'] = 'TurnOff' if powerstate == 0 else 'TurnOn'
result = None
for entity_id in entity_ids:
service = getControlService(header['name'])
domain = entity_id[:entity_id.find('.')]
data = {"entity_id": entity_id}
if domain == 'cover':
service = 'close_cover' if service == 'turn_off' else 'open_cover'
result = await, service, data, True)
return {} if result is not None else errorPayload('IOT_DEVICE_OFFLINE')
def queryDevice(hass, payload):
deviceId = payload['deviceId']
if payload['deviceType'] == 'sensor':
states = hass.states.async_all()
entity_ids = []
for state in states:
attributes = state.attributes
if state.entity_id.startswith('group.') and (attributes['friendly_name'] == deviceId or attributes.get('genie_zone') == deviceId):
entity_ids = attributes.get('entity_id')
properties = [{'name': 'powerstate', 'value': 'on'}]
for state in states:
entity_id = state.entity_id
attributes = state.attributes
if entity_id.startswith('sensor.') and (entity_id in entity_ids or attributes['friendly_name'].startswith(deviceId) or attributes.get('genie_zone') == deviceId):
prop, action = guessPropertyAndAction(entity_id, attributes, state.state)
if prop is None:
return properties
state = hass.states.get(deviceId)
if state is None or state.state == 'unavailable':
return None
return {'name': 'powerstate', 'value': 'off' if state.state == 'off' else 'on'}
def getControlService(action):
i = 0
service = ''
for c in action:
service += (('_' if i else '') + c.lower()) if c.isupper() else c
i += 1
return service
'television', # : '电视',
'light', # : '灯',
'aircondition', # : '空调',
'airpurifier', # : '空气净化器',
'outlet', # : '插座',
'switch', # : '开关',
'roboticvacuum', # : '扫地机器人',
'curtain', # : '窗帘',
'humidifier', # : '加湿器',
'fan', # : '风扇',
'bottlewarmer', # : '暖奶器',
'soymilkmaker', # : '豆浆机',
'kettle', # : '电热水壶',
'waterdispenser', # : '饮水机',
'camera', # : '摄像头',
'router', # : '路由器',
'cooker', # : '电饭煲',
'waterheater', # : '热水器',
'oven', # : '烤箱',
'waterpurifier', # : '净水器',
'fridge', # : '冰箱',
'STB', # : '机顶盒',
'sensor', # : '传感器',
'washmachine', # : '洗衣机',
'smartbed', # : '智能床',
'aromamachine', # : '香薰机',
'window', # : '窗',
'kitchenventilator', # : '抽油烟机',
'fingerprintlock', # : '指纹锁',
'telecontroller', # : '万能遥控器',
'dishwasher', # : '洗碗机',
'dehumidifier', # : '除湿机',
'dryer', # : '干衣机',
'wall-hung-boiler', # : '壁挂炉',
'microwaveoven', # : '微波炉',
'heater', # : '取暖器',
'mosquito-dispeller', # : '驱蚊器',
'treadmill', # : '跑步机',
'smart-gating', # : '智能门控(门锁)',
'smart-band', # : '智能手环',
'hanger', # : '晾衣架',
'climate': 'aircondition',
'fan': 'fan',
'sensor': 'sensor',
'light': 'light',
'media_player': 'television',
# 'remote': 'telecontroller',
'switch': 'switch',
'vacuum': 'roboticvacuum',
'cover': 'curtain',
def guessDeviceType(entity_id, attributes):
if 'genie_deviceType' in attributes:
return attributes['genie_deviceType']
# Exclude with domain
domain = entity_id[: entity_id.find('.')]
if domain in EXCLUDE_DOMAINS:
return None
# Map from domain
return INCLUDE_DOMAINS[domain] if domain in INCLUDE_DOMAINS else None
def guessDeviceName(friendly_name, attributes, places):
if 'genie_deviceName' in attributes:
return attributes['genie_deviceName']
# Remove place prefix
for place in places:
if friendly_name.startswith(place):
return friendly_name[len(place):]
return friendly_name
def checkAliasName(deviceName, entity_id, aliases):
if entity_id.startswith('sensor'):
return True
# Name validation
for alias in aliases:
if deviceName == alias['key'] or deviceName in alias['value']:
return True
_LOGGER.error('%s is not a valid name in', deviceName)
return False
def groupsAttributes(states):
groups_attributes = []
for state in states:
group_entity_id = state.entity_id
# and not group_entity_id.startswith('group.all_')
if group_entity_id != 'group.default_view' and group_entity_id.startswith('group.'):
group_attributes = state.attributes
if 'entity_id' in group_attributes:
return groups_attributes
def guessZone(entity_id, attributes, groups_attributes, places):
if 'genie_zone' in attributes:
return attributes['genie_zone']
# Guess with friendly_name prefix
name = attributes['friendly_name']
for place in places:
if name.startswith(place):
return place
# Guess from HomeAssistant group
for group_attributes in groups_attributes:
for child_entity_id in group_attributes['entity_id']:
if child_entity_id == entity_id:
if 'genie_zone' in group_attributes:
return group_attributes['genie_zone']
return group_attributes['friendly_name']
return None
def guessPropertyAndAction(entity_id, attributes, state):
# Support On/Off/Query only at this time
if 'genie_propertyName' in attributes:
name = attributes['genie_propertyName']
elif entity_id.startswith('sensor.'):
unit = attributes['unit_of_measurement'] if 'unit_of_measurement' in attributes else ''
device_class = attributes['device_class'] if 'device_class' in attributes else ''
if unit == u'°C' or unit == u'℃' or device_class == 'temperature':
name = 'Temperature'
elif unit == 'lx' or unit == 'lm' or device_class == 'illuminance':
name = 'Brightness'
elif ('hcho' in entity_id) or device_class == 'hcho':
name = 'Fog'
elif ('humidity' in entity_id) or device_class == 'humidity':
name = 'Humidity'
elif ('pm25' in entity_id) or device_class == 'pm25':
name = 'PM2.5'
elif ('co2' in entity_id) or device_class == 'co2':
name = 'WindSpeed'
return (None, None)
name = 'PowerState'
if state != 'off':
state = 'on'
return ({'name': name.lower(), 'value': state}, 'Query' + name)