经过一段时间论坛的学习。现在基本上把东西都接入进来了,走了很多弯路也因此学习了不少,感谢论坛的各位大神们。 现在我的配置是通过Google home mini语音控制所有接入进来的设备包括灯光,窗帘,电源开关等。各部位的灯用人体感应实现开关。开关,感应器,空调伴侣,网关,窗帘是aqara,浴室的卷帘是用管状电机自己安装的,用了红外的升降遥控,通过伴侣实现遥控。(多功能网关基本上废了,开始还以为能跟伴侣一样接入hass,现在只用来做夜灯。)
If you want to use the google_assistant.request_sync service, to update devices without unlinking and relinking, in Home Assistant, then enable Homegraph API for your project:
Go to the Google API Console.
Select your project and click Enable Homegraph API.
Go to Credentials, which you can find on the left navigation bar under the key icon, and select API Key from Create Credentials.
Note down the generated API Key and use this in the configuration.