Time changed to 16:38
MPD turned off
MPD changed to unavailable
MPD turned off
MPD changed to playing
Time changed to 16:29
MPD turned off
MPD changed to playing
MPD turned off
MPD changed to playing
MPD changed to paused
MPD changed to playing
MPD turned off
Home Assistant started
(gst-plugin-scanner:18): GStreamer-WARNING **: Failed to load plugin '/usr/lib/gstreamer-1.0/libgstdtls.so': Error relocating /usr/lib/gstreamer-1.0/libgstdtls.so: BIO_set_data: symbol not found
INFO Starting Mopidy 2.1.0
INFO Loading config from builtin defaults
INFO Loading config from /var/lib/mopidy/.config/mopidy/mopidy.conf
INFO Loading config from command line options
INFO Creating dir /root/.config/mopidy
INFO Enabled extensions: mpd, http, moped, stream, m3u, softwaremixer, file, local, local-sqlite
INFO Disabled extensions: gmusic
WARNING Found gmusic configuration errors, the extension has been automatically disabled:
WARNING gmusic/username must be set.
WARNING gmusic/password must be set.
WARNING Please fix the extension configuration errors or disable the extensions to silence these messages.
INFO Found 3 files in media_dir.
INFO Checking 3 tracks from library.
INFO Removing 0 missing tracks.
INFO Found 0 tracks which need to be updated.
INFO Scanning...
INFO Scanned 0 of 0 files in 0s.
INFO Done scanning.
INFO Starting Mopidy 2.1.0
INFO Loading config from builtin defaults
INFO Loading config from /var/lib/mopidy/.config/mopidy/mopidy.conf
INFO Loading config from command line options
INFO Enabled extensions: mpd, http, moped, stream, m3u, softwaremixer, file, local, local-sqlite
INFO Disabled extensions: gmusic
WARNING Found gmusic configuration errors, the extension has been automatically disabled:
WARNING gmusic/username must be set.
WARNING gmusic/password must be set.
WARNING Please fix the extension configuration errors or disable the extensions to silence these messages.
INFO Starting Mopidy mixer: SoftwareMixer
INFO Starting Mopidy audio
INFO Starting Mopidy backends: StreamBackend, M3UBackend, FileBackend, LocalBackend
INFO Audio output set to "autoaudiosink"
INFO Loaded 3 local tracks using sqlite
INFO Starting Mopidy core
INFO Starting Mopidy frontends: MpdFrontend, HttpFrontend
INFO MPD server running at [::ffff:]:6600
INFO HTTP server running at [::ffff:]:6680
INFO Starting GLib mainloop
INFO New MPD connection from [::ffff:]:45090