enpm WARN [email protected] No repository field.
up to date in 8.414s
Installing plugins from /root/.homebridge/install.sh.
/root/.homebridge/install.sh: line 2: $'\r': command not found
*** WARNING *** The program 'node' uses the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.
*** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!
*** WARNING *** For more information see <http://0pointer.de/avahi-compat?s=libdns_sd&e=node>
*** WARNING *** The program 'node' called 'DNSServiceRegister()' which is not supported (or only su
pported partially) in the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.
*** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!
*** WARNING *** For more information see <http://0pointer.de/avahi-compat?s=libdns_sd&e=node&f=DNSS
[2018-7-22 15:47:35] Loaded plugin: homebridge-homeassistant
[2018-7-22 15:47:35] Registering platform 'homebridge-homeassistant.HomeAssistant'
[2018-7-22 15:47:35] ---
[2018-7-22 15:47:36] Loaded plugin: homebridge-synology
[2018-7-22 15:47:36] Registering accessory 'homebridge-synology.Synology'
[2018-7-22 15:47:36] ---
[2018-7-22 15:47:36] Loaded config.json with 0 accessories and 1 platforms.
[2018-7-22 15:47:36] ---
[2018-7-22 15:47:36] Loading 1 platforms...
[2018-7-22 15:47:36] [HomeAssistant] Initializing HomeAssistant platform...
[2018-7-22 15:47:36] [HomeAssistant] Fetching HomeAssistant devices.
[2018-7-22 15:47:36] [HomeAssistant] Received event: ping
Setup Payload:
Scan this code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:
OOr enter this code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:
│ 123-45-678 │
[2018-7-22 15:47:36] Homebridge is running on port 51826.
[2018-7-22 15:48:26] [HomeAssistant] Received event: ping
[2018-7-22 15:48:30] [HomeAssistant] Received event: {"event_type": "state_changed", "data": {"enti
ty_id": "sun.sun", "old_state": {"entity_id": "sun.sun", "state": "above_horizon", "attributes": {"
next_dawn": "2018-07-23T05:40:55+00:00", "next_dusk": "2018-07-22T18:32:03+00:00", "next_midnight":
"2018-07-23T00:06:30+00:00", "next_noon": "2018-07-23T12:06:29+00:00", "next_rising": "2018-07-23T
06:02:56+00:00", "next_setting": "2018-07-22T18:10:00+00:00", "elevation": 32.4, "azimuth": 293.96,
"friendly_name": "Sun"}, "last_changed": "2018-07-22T08:09:13.653588+00:00", "last_updated": "2018
-07-22T15:47:30.094946+00:00"}, "new_state": {"entity_id": "sun.sun", "state": "above_horizon", "at
tributes": {"next_dawn": "2018-07-23T05:40:55+00:00", "next_dusk": "2018-07-22T18:32:03+00:00", "ne
xt_midnight": "2018-07-23T00:06:30+00:00", "next_noon": "2018-07-23T12:06:29+00:00", "next_rising":
"2018-07-23T06:02:56+00:00", "next_setting": "2018-07-22T18:10:00+00:00", "elevation": 32.17, "azi
muth": 293.89, "friendly_name": "Sun"}, "last_changed": "2018-07-22T08:09:13.653588+00:00", "last_u
pdated": "2018-07-22T15:48:30.091495+00:00"}}, "origin": "LOCAL", "time_fired": "2018-07-22T15:48:3
npm install -gs homebridge-harmonyhub
npm install -gs homebridge-netatmo
npm install -gs homebridge-nukiio
npm install -gs homebridge-synology
npm install -gs homebridge-broadlink