- 积分
- 7608
- 金钱
- 4616
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- 398
- 积分
- 7608
- 金钱
- 4616
- 398
发表于 2018-5-15 21:54:08
Alarm Control Panel Support
If your alarm control panel is setup to use a code, you must use homebridge_alarm_code to specify the code.
Binary Sensor Support
Binary Sensors must have a device_class set. Accepted device_classes are gas, moisture, motion, occupancy, opening and smoke.
For binary sensors with the gas device_class you can also set homebridge_gas_type to co or co2 or to control how the entity is shown in Homebridge (co is default).
For binary sensors with the opening device_class you can also set homebridge_opening_type to window to have the entity display as a window instead of a door to Homebridge.
Cover Support
Covers on your Home Assistant will appear as a garage door by default. In order to do change this you may specify its type in the customize section of your Home Assistant's configuration.yaml. Refer to the following example:
homebridge_cover_type: rollershutter
homebridge_cover_type: garage_door
Device Tracker
Device trackers will appear in HomeKit as a room occupancy sensor.
Group Support
Groups will appear in HomeKit as switches.
Light Support
If supported, lights will display brightness, hue, saturation, and/or color temperature.
By default, Homebridge will allow a color temperature between 50 and 400 mireds. You can override this for your specific light(s) by using homebridge_min_mireds and homebridge_max_mireds.
Lock Support
If your lock is setup to use a code, you must use homebridge_lock_code to specify the code.
Media Player Support
Media players on your Home Assistant will be added to your HomeKit as a switch. While this seems like a hack at first, it's actually quite useful. While you can't control everything a media player does, it will give you the ability to toggle them on or off.
There are some rules to know about how on/off treats your media player. If your media player supports play/pause, then turning them on and off via HomeKit will play and pause them. If they do not support play/pause but instead support on/off they will be turned on and off. If none of the above, HomeKit will play and stop.
You can specify the mode to run by setting homebridge_media_player_switch to play_pause, on_off or play_stop, respectively.
Scene Support
Scenes will appear to HomeKit as switches. To trigger them, you can simply say "turn on party time". In some cases, scene names are already reserved in HomeKit...like "Good Morning" and "Good Night". These scenes already exist and cannot be deleted. Simply add your Home Assistant scene to them and set the state you would like them to be when executed. That's most like the ON state. The switch will automatically turn off shortly after turning on.
Script Support
Scripts containing only one service call will function exactly like scenes (see above).
Scripts containing more than one service call will be able to be turned off as well.
Sensor Support
Air quality, carbon dioxide (CO2), humidity, light and temperature sensors are currently supported.
Air quality sensors will be found if an entity has its unit of measurement set to aqi or homebridge_sensor_type is set to air_quality on the entity.
Light sensors will be found if an entity has its unit of measurement set to lux or homebridge_sensor_type is set to light on the entity.
Temperature sensors will be found if an entity has its unit of measurement set to °C, ℃, °F, or ℉.
Humidity sensors will be found if an entity has its unit of measurement set to % and has an entity ID containing humidity or homebridge_sensor_type is set to humidity on the entity.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) sensors will be found if an entity has its unit of measurement set to ppm and has an entity ID containing co2 or homebridge_sensor_type is set to co2 on the entity.
Switch Support
You can make a switch appear as an outlet to Homebridge by setting homebridge_switch_type to outlet on the entity.