2024-10-23 20:44:13.537883174 [INFO] Preparing Frigate...
2024-10-23 20:44:13.555078107 [INFO] Starting Frigate...
2024-10-23 20:44:16.094799632 [2024-10-23 20:44:16] frigate.app INFO : Starting Frigate (0.14.1-f4f3cfa)
2024-10-23 20:44:16.094924710 [2024-10-23 20:44:16] frigate.util.config INFO : Checking if frigate config needs migration...
2024-10-23 20:44:16.115338418 [2024-10-23 20:44:16] frigate.util.config INFO : frigate config does not need migration...
2024-10-23 20:44:16.157193609 [2024-10-23 20:44:16] peewee_migrate.logs INFO : Starting migrations
2024-10-23 20:44:16.158193113 [2024-10-23 20:44:16] peewee_migrate.logs INFO : There is nothing to migrate
2024-10-23 20:44:16.167421829 [2024-10-23 20:44:16] frigate.app INFO : Recording process started: 342
2024-10-23 20:44:16.177333923 [2024-10-23 20:44:16] frigate.app INFO : Recording process started: 351
2024-10-23 20:44:16.184681277 [2024-10-23 20:44:16] frigate.app INFO : go2rtc process pid: 96
2024-10-23 20:44:16.233912656 Process detectorv:
2024-10-23 20:44:16.234559927 [2024-10-23 20:44:16] detector.ov INFO : Starting detection process: 371
2024-10-23 20:44:16.236413324 Traceback (most recent call last):
2024-10-23 20:44:16.236718393 File "/usr/lib/python3.9/multiprocessing/process.py", line 315, in _bootstrap
2024-10-23 20:44:16.236722478 self.run()
2024-10-23 20:44:16.236845599 File "/usr/lib/python3.9/multiprocessing/process.py", line 108, in run
2024-10-23 20:44:16.236848223 self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
2024-10-23 20:44:16.236952670 File "/opt/frigate/frigate/object_detection.py", line 102, in run_detector
2024-10-23 20:44:16.236955533 object_detector = LocalObjectDetector(detector_config=detector_config)
2024-10-23 20:44:16.237076765 File "/opt/frigate/frigate/object_detection.py", line 53, in __init__
2024-10-23 20:44:16.237079456 self.detect_api = create_detector(detector_config)
2024-10-23 20:44:16.237224627 File "/opt/frigate/frigate/detectors/__init__.py", line 18, in create_detector
2024-10-23 20:44:16.237227177 return api(detector_config)
2024-10-23 20:44:16.237376899 File "/opt/frigate/frigate/detectors/plugins/openvino.py", line 39, in __init__
2024-10-23 20:44:16.237379538 if not os.path.isfile(detector_config.model.path):
2024-10-23 20:44:16.237538331 File "/usr/lib/python3.9/genericpath.py", line 30, in isfile
2024-10-23 20:44:16.237540732 st = os.stat(path)
2024-10-23 20:44:16.237688916 TypeError: stat: path should be string, bytes, os.PathLike or integer, not NoneType
2024-10-23 20:44:16.240099510 [2024-10-23 20:44:16] frigate.app INFO : Output process started: 373
2024-10-23 20:44:16.291467350 [2024-10-23 20:44:16] frigate.app INFO : Camera processor started for TP: 387
2024-10-23 20:44:16.292279107 [2024-10-23 20:44:16] frigate.app INFO : Capture process started for TP: 388