发表于 2023-8-26 06:09:15
https://www.home-assistant.io/bl ... 7/#breaking-changes
Home Assistant Container (Docker)
If you use the Home Assistant Container installation method, for example, using Docker, please make sure you are using our official (multi-platform) images.
The correct and preferred image to use for our stable releases is:
Although not the preferred location by the Home Assistant project, the image is also available on DockerHub:
The reason for mentioning this in this breaking change section is that we have seen usage of our internal, intermediate, platform build images. These images are not meant for use directly, and using the above listed images is strongly recommended.
As of this release, we no longer publish our intermediate platform images to DockerHub. This means that if you are using these images, you will no longer receive updates. Please use the above-listed images instead.