2023-07-05 16:47:41.508 WARNING (MainThread) [bluetooth_auto_recovery.recover] Could not cycle the Bluetooth adapter hci0 [6C:B8:81:5F:60:0B]: [Errno 93] Protocol not supported
2023-07-05 16:47:46.527 WARNING (MainThread) [bluetooth_auto_recovery.recover] Bluetooth adapter hci0 [6C:B8:81:5F:60:0B] could not be reset:
2023-07-05 16:47:46.536 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry '6C:B8:81:5F:60:0B' for bluetooth integration not ready yet: hci0 (6C:B8:81:5F:60:0B): Failed to start Bluetooth: [org.bluez.Error.NotReady] Resource Not Ready; Retrying in background
2023-07-05 16:48:15.014 WARNING (MainThread) [bluetooth_auto_recovery.recover] Could not cycle the Bluetooth adapter hci0 [6C:B8:81:5F:60:0B]: [Errno 93] Protocol not supported
2023-07-05 16:48:20.022 WARNING (MainThread) [bluetooth_auto_recovery.recover] Bluetooth adapter hci0 [6C:B8:81:5F:60:0B] could not be reset: