本帖最后由 riceball 于 2022-4-11 17:38 编辑
集成地址: https://github.com/dolezsa/thermal_comfort
通过室内温度和湿度计算各种热舒适度指数. 该插件不仅仅包含Heat Index(体感温度) 还包括Simmer Index(另一种体感温度), 还包含如下的传感器:
Absolute Humidity 绝对湿度
Absolute humidity is a measure of the actual amount of water vapor (moisture) in the air.
Heat Index 体感温度(热量指数)
The heat index combines air temperature and relative humidity to posit a human-perceived equivalent temperature.
Dew Point 露点
Thermal Perception 热感知
Human perception of the dew point.
Frost Point 霜点
Frost point, temperature, below 0° C (32° F), at which moisture in the air will condense as a layer of frost on any exposed surface.
Frost Risk
Risk of Frost based on current temperature, frost point and absolute humidity.
Simmer Index 另一体感温度指数
结合空气温度和相对湿度的指数。 与热量指数相比,它描述了夜间人类感知的等效温度,并描述了一个不适因素。
Simmer Zone Human perception of the simmer index.