发表于 2017-5-24 15:52:55
本帖最后由 aktifin 于 2017-5-24 16:05 编辑
不少群晖无法执行sudo命令,Home Assistant官网有更直接的docker安装办法
在群晖上安装 “Docker” 套件
启动 Docker 切换到“注册表”
在注册表中查找 “homeassistant/home-assistant” 然后“下载”
切换到 “镜像”
点击 “启动”
起个 名称 (例如 “homeassistant”)
点击 “高级设置”
设置 “自动重启”
在 “卷”页面 点击“添加文件夹” 选择一个文件夹或新建一个文件夹. “装载路径” 填写“/config”
在 “网络” 里选择 “与Docker Host同样的网络设置”
点击 “下一步” 之后点击“应用”
你的Home Assistant 将开始运行
Go to the Docker-app and move to “Image”-section
Download the “homeassistant/home-assistant” image - don’t care, that it is already there
wait until the system-message/-notification comes up, that the download is finished (there is no progress bar)
Move to “Container”-section
Stop your container if it’s running
Right-click on it and select “Action”->”Clear”. You won’t loose any data, as all files are stored in your config-directory
Start the container again - it will then boot up with the new Home Assistant image