HassOS版本备份的时候, 不能关闭数据库, 所以无法备份数据库, 除非, 把自带的数据库改为MariaDB, 这样备份的时候, 这个数据库可以关停,一起备份.
另外一种方法是, 要关停ha,这样数据库也停了, 才能真正的完整备份.
这是我查到, 但是, 还没有验证.
https://community.home-assistant ... data-as-well/372960
[size=15.008px]Your best bet would be to use the MariaDB addon instead of the default SQLite DB. This can be stopped while you make a backup. Failing that… [size=15.008px]Your second best bet would be to make a full backup of home assistant. Then stop home assistant and copy the database file either by using SSH or the Samba addons. config/home-assistant_v2.db [size=15.008px]Restore the backup to the new system then stop Home Assistant and copy across the database file. Then start home assistant.