最近发现群晖上的Logitech Media Server挂了(Homepod没声了,懒得研究),再加上群晖无法原生支持hassio原文,最后还是决定安安稳稳用树莓派方案
关于airplay安装,参见囧大的帖子链接,如果和我一样是群晖的,可以照抄我后面的图片配置,先说遇到的问题,安装完成后, http://<your ip>:3689打开提示 403 forbidden,docker后台日志显示[ LOG] httpd: Web interface request to '/' denied: No password set in the config ,这明显是没有权限,找了一圈,看了下docker下的配置文件,发现问题了,配置文件在config/forked-daapd.conf下
general {
# Username
# Make sure the user has read access to the library directories you set
# below, and full access to the databases, log and local audio
uid = "abc"
# Admin password for the web interface
# Note that access to the web interface from computers in
# "trusted_network" (see below) does not require password
admin_password = ""
# Sets who is allowed to connect without authorisation. This applies to
# client types like Remotes, DAAP clients (iTunes) and to the web
# interface. Options are "any", "localhost" or the prefix to one or
# more ipv4/6 networks. The default is { "localhost", "192.168", "fd" }
trusted_networks = { "any", "10.0", "fd" }