startup.sh (above 1.4.7_0115, you can copy to /data/scripts/startup.sh before upgrade to 1.4.7_0115, it will enable tty and telnetd without modified rootfs)
* enabled 'telnetd'
* disabled gen password
* removes password if exists
* mosquitto listens external interface (port openned)
* run on startup '/data/run.sh'
* added 'curl'
* added 'dropbear' (to start add in '/data/run.sh' line '/bin/dropbear -R -B')
* replaced 'silabs_ncp_bt' with modified version (works without internet)
* added 'sftp-server' for dropbear
* added 'socat', 'ser2net', 'htop', 'tcpdump', 'ldd', 'strace', 'gdbserver'
* created '/dev/tty' (some programs need it)
* added '/usr/share/terminfo' (some programs need it)
* added mod version to '/etc/rootfs_fw_info'
* added greeting info (fw version, ip, mac, token and etc)
* added '/data/bin' in $PATH and '/data/lib' in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
* created symlink '/.profile' to '/data/.profile (useful for alias and etc)