曾经,HA很让使用者,尤其是喜欢折腾的、对yaml不太熟悉的使用者头疼不已的就是随便改一点点配置,都需要重启才能生效,现在好啦,很多很常用的yaml修改都不需要重启了!Reload everything YAMLWTH, do we still need to restart Home Assistant for applying YAML configuration? That was one of the WTH raised. It is being worked on! This release, @bdraco found a way to reload some of the internal integrations and boosted this capability to a lot of integrations. For those, you can just reload the YAML in the configuration server control page (you will need advanced mode). As of this release, besides the integrations that already could be reloaded, the following integration can now reload their YAML configuration without a restart of Home Assistant: You can also reload an integration that is setup with the UI! This can be useful when it lost its connection or is in an otherwise failed state. You can find the reload button in the overflow menu on the integration card.