
楼主 |
发表于 2020-7-20 01:38:24
我查看python-miio源代码的时候,在protocol.py 中,解密部分有这一段
decrypted_quirks = [
# try without modifications first
lambda decrypted_bytes: decrypted_bytes,
# powerstrip returns malformed JSON if the device is not
# connected to the cloud, so we try to fix it here carefully.
lambda decrypted_bytes: decrypted_bytes.replace(
b',,"otu_stat"', b',"otu_stat"'
# xiaomi cloud returns malformed json when answering _sync.batch_gen_room_up_url
# command so try to sanitize it
lambda decrypted_bytes: decrypted_bytes[: decrypted_bytes.rfind(b"\x00")]
if b"\x00" in decrypted_bytes
else decrypted_bytes,
我尝试把data带进去解密,可还是无法解密 |