[18:09:03][W][dht:160]: Requesting data from DHT failed!
[18:09:03][W][dht:060]: Invalid readings! Please check your wiring (pull-up resistor, pin number).
[18:09:03][D][sensor:092]: '室内温度': Sending state nan °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[18:09:03][D][sensor:092]: '室内湿度': Sending state nan % with 0 decimals of accuracy
The DHT22 and DHT11 require external pull up resistors on the data line. To do this, solder a resistor with about 4.7kΩ (anything in the range from 1kΩ to 10kΩ probably works fine, but if you’re having issues try the 4.7kΩ recommended by the manufacturer) between DATA and 3.3V.