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"type": "function",
"z": "e739a64b.fc5348",
"name": "HomeKit指令数据色温处理",
"func": "if(msg.payload.ColorTemperature !== "" && msg.payload.ColorTemperature !== undefined){\n msg.payload = parseInt(1000000 / msg.payload.ColorTemperature);\n return msg\n} ",
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"noerr": 0,
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"finalize": "",
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"z": "e739a64b.fc5348",
"name": "小爱指令处理",
"func": "var b = context.get('b')||0;\nif(msg.payload.brightness){\n b = msg.payload.brightness;\n context.set('b',b);\n msg.payload=b\n}\n\n// Uncomment lines 9 and 20 to prevent looping\n//if (msg.hap.context !== undefined) {\n if(msg.payload.brightness === 0){\n msg.payload = 0\n }\n if(msg.payload.on === false){\n msg.payload = 0\n }\n if(msg.payload.on === true){\n msg.payload = b\n }\n return msg\n//}",
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"y": 354,
"wires": [
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"topic": "",
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"softwareRev": "",
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"cameraConfigDebug": false,
"cameraConfigInterfaceName": "",
"characteristicProperties": "{"Brightness":true,"ColorTemperature":{"minValue":166,"maxValue":334}}",
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"y": 114,
"wires": [
"id": "c34dbf3f.a3d36",
"type": "function",
"z": "e739a64b.fc5348",
"name": "HomeKit指令数据亮度处理",
"func": "var b = context.get('b')||100;\nif(msg.payload.Brightness){\n b = msg.payload.Brightness;\n context.set('b',b);\n msg.payload=b\n}\n\n// Uncomment lines 9 and 20 to prevent looping\n//if (msg.hap.context !== undefined) {\n if(msg.payload.ColorTemperature){\n return null\n }\n if(msg.payload.Brightness === 0){\n msg.payload = 0\n }\n if(msg.payload.On === false){\n msg.payload = 0\n }\n if(msg.payload.On === true){\n msg.payload = b\n } \n// if(msg.payload.On === true && b === 0){\n// msg.payload = true\n// }\n return msg\n//}",
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"finalize": "",
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"id": "54df8373.e6bdec",
"type": "function",
"z": "e739a64b.fc5348",
"name": "开关亮度状态反馈数据处理",
"func": "var input = msg.payload;\nif (input < 101){\n if (input < 1) {\n msg.payload = {\n "On": false\n }\n }\n else {\n msg.payload = {\n "Brightness": input,\n "On": true\n }\n }\n return msg;\n}",
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"finalize": "",
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"func": "var input = msg.payload;\n if(input !==""){\n\n msg.payload = {\n "ColorTemperature": input\n }\n return msg\n }",
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